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As per the directives of NEB, Einstein Academy will conduct the class XI Annual Examination from Shrawan 10th - 15th starting at 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM (3 hours)

  1. Exams will be conducted through "Online ZOOM"

  2. Mandatory attendance in the examination is must, for those who are "ABSENT", EA will not be responsible.

  3. Students must use EA copy or loose sheet. On Completion they must submit those through Email, Messenger or any IT means to the subject teachers within half-an-hour.

  4. Page numbers on answer scripts must be mentioned, and keep safe so that when required EA shall forward to the NEB.

  5. All students must mention faculty, Name, Class, Section etc.

  6. Black ink is compulsory.

  7. Outstanding dues must be cleared before the NEB Examination.

  8. If you require any help please! contact the following persons:

    1. Mr. YN Bhandari (AC) : 9841548680.

    2. Mr. HR Rai (AO/DI) : 9851012240.

  9. Preparation Leave : From 29th Ashad to 9th Shrawan 2078.

Normal Classes for Grade XII will resume from 20th Shrawan 2078.



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